My birthday's coming! However, I don't think I have the luxury to go out and celebrate it. Anyway I've ate my birthday cake, so tts a trade off.
My sis's birthday also falls in the month of September. As such, the whole family's buzzing with what presents to give us etc...hehe
My mum say I don't always buy things, but if I were to buy any, tt thing would be an expensive one. I think tts TRUE! I rmb the last thing tt I wanted which was expensive was a pair of Roller Blades when I was in sec 4. This year, I had a liking on this bag. And bag I've been aiming at it for 1 YR! HAHA! And my sis said the bag outdated already, if i really want to buy, I should go for the latest design of this bag series. Wonder what bag it is??? 

HAHA! This is the bag, crumpler barney orange :) Its a rather old design, and its selling at Garage at The Heeren.
I was practically looking and admiring the bags from outside the store last Mon when I went. So paisei haha, u know when u have no $ to buy it, there's no point going in right? haha
So, should I buy it?
Pros: I like it, cox I've been bio-ing it for almost 1 yr.
Cons: Its expensive and its an old design.
Solution: Go for the latest design of this series of bag (sth new of this brand but its still similar design to this bag)
Most importantly, U must have $! haha, nvm, admiring the bag is gd enough for me. :)