Saturday, December 12, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
You're allowed to be yourself, without having to think carefully before you speak and also, to laugh like nobody's business...
However, will the society changes everything when all of us are in the workplace?
Will we still be able to play the boardgames simple-ly without any agendas in the future?
Will we be able to just chat and give each other genuine advices without any comparisons with regards to the status, wealth...
Vit C's graduation came across my mind and am humming it...
I came across Yuhki Kuramoto's Romance on one of my freq website...Its soothing, and sad...
I'm getting too emotional =P
Lets enjoy the good sunny weather.
Have a nice day ahead :)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I have a lot of wonderful things in life.
I am reaching out more.
At times, it is good to reach out and strive for more.
At times, I place too much emphasis on some areas that blinds me to see the bliss that is just in front of me.
Today, I hold the hand, which accompanies me through the last 1 yr and nine months. Giving my support, providing me a shoulder whenever I need it. It is this hand that hold me through the difficult moments during these periods. Not forgetting the care and concern showered by my loved ones. The owner of this hand, is holds me as the centre of his world, of which his world evolves around.
I ought to cherish all these.
Counting my blessings, and counting on...
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Saturday, September 05, 2009
I do not believe it, until now.
Late August, I was anticipating 2nd week of Sep where I'll be buying my phone and celebrating my
21st with my close ones. Now that Finance test is over, I begin to feel a bit of my freedom regaining. And I was shopping at Orchard ytd.
And I realised something suddenly, I'm gonne be immobilised soon, because exam in coming.
And I need to do the volunteer work as promised.
This sep is going to pass by real fast.
But it's gonna be a fulfilling and joyous one. :)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Every of the textbook qns I did are wrong or partially wrong. WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!
And this makes me unable to move on and complete the qns.
And I have so many qns to ask my lecturer tt I doubt he wil have time to answer me consider the fact tt there are lotsa of others who are like me.
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Email-ing and Research are what occupies me all day long.
Friend is not feeling well, hope she'll recover soon. She isn't she when she's sick.
Project discussion isn't fun without any of the four of us.
I dun have enough time to even watch Big MAMA.
I want to go wild wild wet, i wanna go songs of the sea.
I wanna go a lot of places...but I cant...argh!!!
I got to stay strong in order to sail through all these.
Smelly egg said I still got a lifetime ahead of me, so all these are gonna make me become stronger!
Whatever doesn't kills me makes me stronger!
Tough times don't last, tough woman last!!!
Thursday, August 06, 2009
So, I foolishly ring the doorbell, many times and waited.
In the endm after everything was cleared up, I went off to eat my wonderful dinner at lib. Nice and healthy dinner :)
And I got my purple specs:)
And I think my long time no see friend is too shy to meet up w me! U shld know who u are! haha.
And I'm panicking now cox I think i got the wrong direction for my project!!!
Where can I find Hot Coffee Ginger Chews?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I still want to enjoy many different types of cuisine.
I still want to enjoy many gatherings at different new places with my friends.
I still want to enjoy listening to different music.
I'm on my journey of life.
And I'm doing all these with one person absent.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Life isn't supposed to be like tt.
Its not abt pleasing pple, cracking ur brains to find ways to get pple's attention.
Some pple just do not meant to be, even when u tried all means.
And it feels so unreal now. But Im finally awake.
Im quiet not because Im shy. Its because some are not worth my effort to talk to them.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I known them since kindergarten.
Coincidentally, we were in the same class till primary six.
As we grow up, one of them became very smart and made it to the local uni.
However, personality was not the same anymore.
Now tt I turned to this personality, this friend became otherwise.
The other one, I lost contact ever since secondary days.
During JC, I came to know that he was coindentally, in the same class as my sec sch friend.
Nonetheless, I didn't cherish the chance for a catch up.
Now, I tot I had the chance to catch up with this friend.
Yet, I was wrong. He is serving NS now. I foolishly tot tt I could have a meet up.
Everything was so stranger btw us.
He is the only childhood friend which did not take advtg of me. (Dun think otherwise)
I was the one who always bully him whenever I can.
When the timing was over, it can't be turn back.
I should have known it better.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Best of me--Daniel Powter
I wasn't mean the wrong way
Won't you do me the right way
Where you gonna be tonight
Coz I won't stay too long
Maybe you're the light for me
When you talk to me it strikes me
Won't somebody help me
Coz I don't feel too strong
Was there something that I said
Was there something that I did
Or the combination I broke that did me have
You know I'm hoping you'll sing along
Though it's not your favorite song
Don't wanna be there when there's nothing left to say
You know that some of us spin again
When you do you need a friend
Don't wanna be there when there's nothing left for me
And I hate the thought finally been erased
Baby that's the best of me
Everything's behind you
But the whole place signs besides you
Living in every moment
Have I wasted all your time
Was there something that I said
Was there something that I did
Or the combination I broke that did me have
You know I'm hoping you'll sing along
Though it's not your favorite song
Don't wanna be there when there's nothing left to say
You know that some of us spin again
When you do you need a friend
Don't wanna be there when there's nothing left for me
And I hate the thought been erased
Baby that's the best of me
You know I'm hoping you'll sing along
Though it's not your favorite song
Don't wanna be there when there's nothing left to say
You know that someone those spin again
When you do you need a friend
Don't wanna be there when there's nothing left for me
And I hate the thought finally been erased
Baby that's the best of me
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Meet smelly egg today also. Tried the Nutty Chocolate Craze at Gelare, satisfying :) My phone was spoilt, so the photos are with him now. The ice cream was okay, but the fresh cream irks me. After tt we went esplanade to listen to some local singer singing those songs that she composed. I have no idea what she's singing, nor the song title, though her voice was really good. I can see myself singing her songs too in future shld she make a good prospects out of this.
I easily irritated nowadays, and its frustrating because I have no idea whats behind tt. Its definitely not PMS.
Oh ya, I tried making the no-bake cheesecake last week. The result was extreme. Those who tried it commented tt either it was nice or it was awful. The key lies in the yoghurt added, haha.
Now I'm going on to the next baked stuff. Will show all when its successful.
Monday, May 11, 2009
After exam, finding a job. Any job will do for them. Be it promoter, call centre, internships. I'm afraid, if I do not start doing the things tt I truly wanted to. I might never have the passion and energy to start them. All of them outside, they found their dreams, their forte and are now on their way to them. Some others, they only talk abt it, think what they wanna do. But I didnt see them putting real action into it.
Before exams, I thought of many many things tt I wanna do after exam. After exam, the reality sinks in and makes me develop doubts about the things I wish to achieve during this break.
People are just too scary for me to handle them. Esp women, with hidden agenda!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
He is my best friend.
I could bitch everything I was unhappy about to him.
He saw all my embarrassing moments. Happy moments too.
I can be myself around him. And even carefree'ier in front of him.
He knows me better than I do.
He likes singing songs to me. Even took the trouble of recording his live "Elmo" and mms me when I was feeling terrible.
He is like a boy.
At his age, his thinking is sometimes naive and childish. hehe
He is responsible and filial to his parents, though sometimes he is very stubborn and hot-tempered.
He is willing to spend on all the people he cares for, putting himself at the last.
Although he only start to think seriously at this age, its better than nth :)
And he's growing stronger, cox his arm can barely fit into his shirt. Now whats left is a sun tan to make him look better :)
Having him saves me the worrying of losing my way, and I like to explore ulu places with him, which we always do :)
There's a feeling of ease to be with him, cox he has no agenda. Except for some emo-ing, as I said, he is STILL a boy, at his age.
Though the route now seems long and curvy for we can't see the end, but I think we'll reach there soon.
Friday, April 03, 2009
I need my chicken soup.
I need 100 GB memory size.
I need a body needing only 2 hours of sleep a day.
I need a face tts resistant to black eye rings and dull complexion.
I need a day without sunset!!!
I need a body without the need to settle meals and answer the call of nature and not smelling bad after a day!!!
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
I had a famous "korea set meal" for lunch today, but it was by no means, Aw...ful. The rice is not hot, the veg are not cooked properly, the environment is...cramp and dunno-whether-its-hygenic. I'm not picky, just tt I'm concerned about the food I put into my mouth.
Oh ya, the most interesting thing was dropping the chicken onto smelly egg's hand, then onto his hand, then onto the floor; while in an attempt to pass him the chicken tt i cant finish.
How interesting.
I wanna see movie, walk along suntec, marina, and sitting at esplanade with the lightings from the commercial buildings, talking to smelly egg like there's no rush to anywhere...
Friday, March 27, 2009
No doubt we've finish it three weeks ago...but there are ethics, marcom and AMCA projects...all so hectic tt i've barely have time to compile and edit my sq...
Finally, after much struggle, I finished the compiling and editing!
All tts left is print and bind!
Not to mention the 5000 +++++ words to cut!
And its done!!!
What an achievements...
Special thanks to those who help out :)
Now, its my turn to hit the bed!!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
At the end of the project, Spore Flyer could hire me to advise them abt improvements they could made...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
And it got better....
After hearing a news in the evening...
I feel like crying.
I just feel like shouting, "ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Why can't he be stronger and be more protectant of us, tt way I won't be feeling so insecure now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 16, 2009

And I saw this...As I scroll down more...
I saw this!!! I cannot resist it anymore!
I'm so craving for chocolate, and cake and crossaint!
Oh, recently I learnt tt the actually pronounciation for crossaint is "Qua S on" not "Cro s on"! Interesting...
I wanna eat cake and crossaint and chocolate!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
From the ethics pt of view, according to Socrates or Plato or whichever ancient philosopher, the purpose of woman in the past is just a child-bearing being. Note, its a being.
Now, we're in the 21st century, we shall now forget abt the theories of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.
Tough times dont't last, tough man do, tough woman even will.
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LETS CHEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FOR ALL THE GOOD THINGS IN YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 09, 2009
Friday, March 06, 2009
When things get on to the middle stage, u begin to see the true colours of the friends u think are so great initially, u understand what ur gf or bf is actually like, u find the game level is hard to attain, and the melting chocolate ice-cream cone is beginning to make ur fingers dirty.
The decision made here is, whether u want to continue with what you've done or achieve so far or u want to continue to find ways to deal with it.
Why cant some things be as simple and clear. The society is already filling us with traumas and insecurities. Why cant there be a space, place or even somebody we can find comfort in, whereby we dun have to worry about getting disappointments or unhappiness cox it will always be there, like a tree. Giving u comfort and back-up whenever u are tired.
Sadly speaking, there is nth so good in this world.
If we cant deal with it, we can only be dealt with.
To survive, just keep fighting.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
I'm sick while I try all means and ways to prevent it.
I'm piled up with tonnes and messy and confusing project assignments.
And I feel like I'm the worst daughter and gf.
I just want a getaway.
I just can't help crying now.
I'm just so tired and shagged from everything.
And I haven't found the solution yet.
I'm just tired.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Last yr was simply too pathetic...shall not spell it out...
This yr's totally diff!
Smelly egg actually had plans one week before it and I totally have no ideas what he was planning...
So ytd, he make me starve the morning coz he had "prepared breakfast" for me, which later turned out to be this!!!

After tt, I happily carry the bear in its box and we went to Sentosa. We happened to sit on the side of the beach beside the place where they had the Song of the Sea going on...and we saw fireworks!!!
OMG!!! Tts the nearest distance I've come to see fireworks and its splendid!!! Oh my, its simply very beautiful!!!
With the breezes of the sea and sa-sha of waves...we end v-day on a happy note :)
And I'm carrying my bear bear in my arms while typing this post...
Friday, February 13, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Friday, February 06, 2009
Pple ard me have been doing things pretty fast. It seem to me tt either they are all very efficient, if not, they're camp at home buried under projects without a life. Am I too much to catch a simple movie? Or am I slow???
After deep thinking, I've come up with a conclusion. I'm not slow. So, u guys know what I mean!!!
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Now tt I admitted sth tt I like. Its gonna leave me.Pple take things for granted. I take pple for granted, pple took me for granted.I began to feel frustrated again.Just that its more serious this time.I finally break down ytd, and threw everything on my table. Sit down on the floor with my knees in my arms and cry.Nobody's taking me seriously anyway.I scolded mean things to somebody in the past.And tt person did it to me today.It hurts.Tt person must have hurt too in the past.I wonder how tt person tolerated.But I couldn't get over it.Tt person said this before,"What's pass is past".But this time is different.I rmb the past.He sworn it.Its over.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
This person will do sth behind ur back. Until somebody reveals sth to u, then u'll realise u've been naive to believe tt u two r relying on each other.
Actual fact, the person fend for "itself".
U r nobody to tt person.
SO in a nut shell, stay away from tt person.
If forced by circumstances, u cant.
Then put on a mask.
Afterall, tts what the person did to u.
Tt person is pathetic afterall.
Cox this person will always be treated as a jackass in my heart forever.
Sad for "it".
Friday, January 30, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

I shuddered at the fact tt I'm still friendly to her.
Am I becoming like this person or am I too forgetful?
Anyways. I only have one feeling now.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
We shld be able to take charge because this is OUR life.
We shld know what's our priority. We need to make cuts and do things which are more impt at this very moment. All the rest can wait. Since we haven been doing sth for so long, it doesn't matter if we put it off for a period of time. The moment is over for tt. We need to look forward now. More impt things are waiting for me to do. Throwing temper and act crazy won't solve anything.
The impt thing now is to TAKE CHARGE!!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Or is it the fact that I'm not outgoing or sociable as others, and so I'm missing out things in life?
Or rather, is it the fact that I dun understand myself and so I'm holding things that r not supposed to continue?
Is it that Im no longer the person pple see me in the past that I MUST see that what others see me now of me??
Or is it that I'm not confidence and swishy-swashy so I'm missing out ALL the things I would like to have and not envy pple whenever I happened to see the things I yearned for on others???
I have no aims in life. Or rather, my aims are too vague unless I sit down and draw out a plan.
I've finished Twilight ages ago,and now on new moon, but it wasn't as expected. So, I skip to the back where the interesting parts are. In my situation now, I dun have the luxury of reading and enjoying every part now, where its boring or long-winded ones, before it reaches the climax of tt book. Do all of u understand what I'm talking abt? Whichever, I'm writing cox I feel like.
FYI, I'm imbalance.Right now.
Can I have more time and passion now?
So i can have more time to spare.
Im so frustrated and helpless over AMCA. How do I study without a textbook?
I just feel like swearing now.
KNS!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't come ask me I'm ok or not. Cox anyone w common sense can see I AM NOT!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
The fact is I dunno what I want and things just come too fast before I can react.
The foreign lecturer has no main point when he's speaking and I cant catch what others r able to catch. And Im frustrated.
When things just dun come ur way, u cant just sit down there and accept it. Make changes and make sure things go Ur way.
Come on, go get a life pple! But dun lost ur way!!!