Everything seems so great initially. Be it making friends, going into a relationship or playing a game, eating a nice chocolate ice-cream cone.
When things get on to the middle stage, u begin to see the true colours of the friends u think are so great initially, u understand what ur gf or bf is actually like, u find the game level is hard to attain, and the melting chocolate ice-cream cone is beginning to make ur fingers dirty.
The decision made here is, whether u want to continue with what you've done or achieve so far or u want to continue to find ways to deal with it.
Why cant some things be as simple and clear. The society is already filling us with traumas and insecurities. Why cant there be a space, place or even somebody we can find comfort in, whereby we dun have to worry about getting disappointments or unhappiness cox it will always be there, like a tree. Giving u comfort and back-up whenever u are tired.
Sadly speaking, there is nth so good in this world.
If we cant deal with it, we can only be dealt with.
To survive, just keep fighting.