Thursday, April 05, 2007

Hmmm… I felt very lazy to upload the pictures I’ve promised, so no pictures for this entry. Frankly speaking, I’ve not much interesting things happening to my life up till this moment of my life, so, I actually don’t know what to blog about. Talking about last Friday, I went to the little get-together cum JJ +Annabel birthday surprise session with the sec peeps. It was quite ok, at least I managed to know what’s happening to their life at the moment and how’re they doing. One thing that I’m sure of is that, my good friends and I have drifted. Not far, but very far. I have no idea what the things they are talking among themselves coz I’m the only jc student there and they are all poly. Not that I don’t feel comfortable or think they what ok! I just think I dunno the stuffs they’re talking about. Those goggles…sci lab…attachments. They were discussing among themselves and I …was really out of the picture. Sad. The only fortunate thing was that JJ was able to crap with me throughout the dinner time coz she don’t want to talk about school stuffs after her attachment whole day …she was tired. My friend used to consult, or should I say confide her problems to me…now, I don’t even know who her crush is. The gap is getting bigger and bigger but I can’t seem to seal it back. Guess the time and chemistry is not there anymore.